Our exclusive corporate and group wellbeing packages are available at a number of venues across the UK, Europe and internationally.
Our corporate and group wellness programmes will give your employees the break they need to relax and reenergise. These incorporate fitness, relaxation, and mindfulness workshops will allow your team to completely switch off and recharge, enabling them to return back to work feeling restored, renewed,
ir pasiruošę imtis kito didelio projekto.
Find out the list of our corporate and group wellbeing experiences here.
Our executive coaching programmes are designed specifically for executives and include detailed lifestyle evaluations, nutritional and fitness coaching. All programmes are delivered to ensure that your executive team can perform at their highest potential and achieve their peak performance when it is crucial for your business. Our programmes range from weekends away to seven days or longer to achieve maximum results and sustain long-term performance in your company’s future.
Our range of group retreats focus on tackling variety of issues such as improving individual rest and relaxation techniques, assisting a person to find emotional balance and freedom, improve someone’s fitness levels or a yoga flow. Our group retreats are designed to meet like-minded people, share your life experiences in a safe environment, raise team spirits, and promote group and individual relaxation. Once you complete our group retreat, you will return reinvigorated, motivated and ready to get stuck into your busy routine again but with a completely fresh approach, renewed energy and a healthier outlook.
Discover our portfolio of Group Retreats here.
When working in a fast-paced environment it can be hard for individuals and the entire team to keep healthy eating habits. Poor health choices can lead to lack of sleep and concentration, resulting in a reduced performance and increased stress levels. Our mobile wellness services bring relaxation and rejuvenation right to your doorstep. No more stress of finding time for self-care or searching for a wellness centre. Whether you’re at home, in the office or away, our expert therapists are here to help you unwind and maintain your wellbeing regime.
Our wellbeing workshops will educate your employees on how to make healthier eating choices that can easily align with their busy on-the-go lifestyles.
Discover our portfolio of Mobile Wellness Services here.
For wellbeing workshops contact us on 03330501817 or via email [email protected]
Our signature corporate and group wellbeing packages are available at a number of venues globally. They have been designed to tackle specific group or personal wellbeing objectives.
Pavyzdžiui, mūsų parašas Svaiginančius Patirties Iceland padės jums ir apie visos įmonių grupės, tapti labiau suvokia ir žino, supančiai aplinkai, ir ji bus aprūpinti visi dalyviai su technika namams ir nuolat sveikatingumo kelionės.
Mūsų parašas Sveikatingumo safaris Tanzanijoje is a truly magical experience for a group employees, executives or business people, or anyone looking to pause and reconnect with inner self and the magical environment around them.
Mūsų parašas Vidinio ir Išorinio Grožio Trauktis į Balearų Salos padės kiekvienam geriau suvokti savo kūno įvaizdį ir sužinoti, kaip jį pagerinti visose gyvenimo situacijose. Visi dalyviai bus aprūpinti gudrybėmis ir strategijomis, kaip atrodyti kuo geriau net tada, kai gyvenimas atrodo itin sudėtingas ir turi įtakos bendrai fizinei ir psichinei sveikatai.
Mūsų tikrai stebuklinga Sveikatingumo Buriavimo Patirtį suteiks galimybę pavieniams asmenims ir grupėms leistis į transformuojančią sveikatingumo kelionę prabangia jachta, kad galėtų pamaitinti save ir gydyti visus savo fizinės, psichinės ir emocinės sveikatos aspektus.
Tikime, kad kiekvienas iš mūsų yra skirtingas, todėl mūsų individualūs gerovės poreikiai yra labai unikalūs. Jei jūsų gerovės poreikiai yra didesni nei išvardyti mūsų svetainėje ir jei jūsų sveikatingumo tikslai yra labai individualūs, norėtume išgirsti jūsų nuomonę, kad galėtume jums padėti ir suteikti individualiai pritaikytą sveikatingumo patirtį.
For the existing signature retreats visit here.
For your tailor-made signature wellness retreat contact us on 03330501817 or via email [email protected]